Ekta Kapoor is said to be planning to reshuffle the entire Balaji Motion Pictures especially after the debacle of films like C Kompany, Mission Istanbul and EMI.
Ramesh Sippy who is Ekta's maternal uncle
actually is supposed to be heading the Balaji motion picture house and it seems that every script that is chosen for the Company is first scrutinized by Ramesh Sippy before approving it finally.
Ever since the
production house started Ekta and her uncle worked together.
According to sources, " Ekta happens to respect her uncle a lot but since the films like C Kompany, Mission Isatnbul, EMI which Balaji produced and films like Sarkar Raj which they bought dint give them any great
business, the atmosphere in the Balaji house was pretty tensed.
Their investments were much more than their gains. Most of her serials also faced the consequences and were shut. Due to this financial
crunch Ekta decided to take this drastic step.
At the beginning it was a neglect able issue but finally it turned into the end of her partnership with her uncle".
The overall loss that Balaji has faced is supposedly 85 crores and therefore Ekta has decided to make give a complete makeover to her firm. Balaji Motion pictures will still continue production but Ramesh Sippy will
not be a part of it anymore, said our sources.
Ekta was not available for any further comments on this topic.
Friday, December 19, 2008 10:42 IST