It seems that success has taken over Shayantani Ghosh's mind. According to our sources she was recently asked to leave the show Ghar Ek Sapna and now off late the actress got into a heated argument with her colleague and producer Aruna Irani.
The charming actress is addicted to her mobile and is always busy talking with her close ones rather than concentrating on the shoot.
While she was busy with one of such calls the entire unit of Naaginn was kept waiting for a long time. After a while, show's producer Aruna Irani lost her cool and instructed her hair dresser to snatch the cell from Sayantani's hands.
This annoyed the actress and she got into a heated argument with the producer. She even dragged in the channel officials and bluntly refused to shoot unless she got an apology from Aruna, said sources.
Well, Shayantani surely is drawing lot of unwanted attention these days. But she does know to play her cards diplomatically and denied the incident whereas Aruna Irani was unavailable for the comments.
Saturday, December 20, 2008 11:46 IST