After Sanjay Leela Bhansali's almost literal adaptation of the story in Devdaas Anurag Kashyap, who has directed dark thrillers like Black Friday and No Smoking is ready with his next Dev D which is a contemporized version of Sarat Chandra's famous novel 'Devdas'
Interestingly, Anurag has roped in two newcomers to play the roles of Paro and Chandramukhi. Mahi Gill will be Paro and Kalki Koechlin plays Chandramukhi
Shot in Manali, Chandigarh, Delhi and London, 'Dev D' is set for release in February next year. The first look of the film is already out and Anurag Kashyap has come out with amazing creative ideas for the film. Those who have already seen the rushes say that the film is certainly going to create a lot of buzz.
Sources inform that the modern version of Kashyap's Devdas is based on drugs, booze and sex. It is really a modern version of Devdas.
"Dev D is a youth centric film" says Kashyap. According to Kashyap, Dev D is an all-out commercial venture that would break his art house image. "I have made this film with a completely commercial approach. The film has 15 songs including Punjabi and Rajasthani numbers. I can't get more close to commercial cinema, " he said.
The film, which is scheduled to release in February, has been shot in Manali, Chandigarh, London and New Delhi."We shot at various places for the film. But I love shooting in Delhi. In fact, Paharganj(in central Delhi) plays a very important role in my film. I feel all these places have a lot of character, " says Kashyap.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 12:00 IST