Anushka Sharma just made her 'BIG' debut into Bollywood with YRF's Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi two weeks back. The actress in her very first film, got a chance to star along side the 'Badshah of Bollywood'- Shah Rukh
Even though the film got a good response from the audiences, the lass hasn't changed much.
She is still content with the de-glam look that she has been sporting since the beginning. In fact, at the recently
held event to meet and greet fans at Fame Malad, she had worn the same pair of sandals that she wore at her first interaction with the media.
Seems kind of funny for a girl who has just made her debut with SRK in a YRF film to repeat her apparel.
Further more, it seems like Anushka is pretty content with her current designer, we wonder when will she actually get into the glam image that one associates with a typical Bollywood star?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 12:40 IST