Sequel to the 2001 superhit spooky thriller Raaz, Raaz 2 : The Mystery Continues is facing some really terrifying frightful experiences. While doing the editing of the song Mahi at Andheri's Futureworks studios, the post production team is facing problem to re-edit it.
Our source reveals, "When Abhishek the editor in chief at the studios put in the master tape of the song and tried to re-edit some portions it would show no change.
Even the it was not getting copied into the computer meant for post production. Confused he called in for Mohit Suri, Raaz 2 director and Mahesh and Mukesh Bhatt.
First they disbelieved Abhishek when he explained them the problem on phone but when they it in real happening in front of their own eyes they were left stunned."
Mahesh Bhatt tells us, "Though I may have written a few scripts about the supernatural and ghosts etc, I don't believe such stuff exists. But what is happening with Mahi song has left me truely confused. I was left speechless when I saw it all happen."
Mohit Suri added, "We now have to either shoot some parts of the again or wait for some divine intervention to bail us out of this quickly. The film is slated for a January 23rd release date."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:18 IST