Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali had announced two projects Heera Mandi and an untitled film starring Hrithik-Aishwarya after Saawariya. But currently he has no plans to start Heera Mandi for the next two years
therefore Hrithik-Ash film will be his next project.
According to sources "Heera Mandi was supposed to be a very prestigious project but currently he doesn't plan to go ahead with this project coz even if he plans to he will need more than 2 years to start with
He had planned to take Madhuri Dixit and Sonam Kapoor in the film but as of now things are not materializing and the script of the film is also not ready yet. So the entire project will have to wait for now
and will be delayed".
Further there were rumours of a Pakistani actor named Imran Abbas to be cast as the main lead but all the rumours were denied as the casting of the actors is not yet decided and that as of now SLB is very unhappy
with death of veteran actress Begum Para as he was planning to cast her in Heera Mandi as she was also there in Saawariya.
Actually Heera Mandi is a place located in the northwest corner of the Walled City of Lahore, next to Roshni Gate, Badshahi Masjid, Lahore Fort, and Hazuri Bagh.It is also known as Shahi Mohalla as it is the red-light
district of Lahore.
But currently it is said that SLB is busy with the pre-production of his big-budget movie starring Aishwarya Rai and Hrithik Roshan and he is planning to start this film in mid 2009.
This film will be Hrithik and
Aishwarya's Rai's third film together after the super successful Dhoom 2 and Jodhaa Akbar. Let us hope that this onscreen hit couple does wonders for SLB's film too.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 13:27 IST