Bollywood's leading production houses - Yash Raj Films, UTV, Eros International, Shemaroo and Moser Baer have now come together to fight video piracy. They are in the
process of forming a committee which will be led by former ATS chief, A.A. Khan.
A.A. Khan was also seen in a brief role in Shootout At Lokhandwala based on the infamous encounter of gangster Maya Dolas led by Khan himself.
The committee
formed to combat piracy will comprise of retired police officers. While the effort, if taken to its logical conclusion, is laudable, it is worth noting here that at the very outset
itself, this enterprise looks still-born.
To imagine that the industry would remain united in its battle against piracy is still an idealistic situation. One can recall, years back, producers like B.R. Chopra, Pramod
Chakravorty and many other top names of the industry had started an association to themselves deal in the video rights of their films. But that time even the initial
contribution was difficult to get from the promoters themselves! Needless to add, the association closed down before it could be started.
The only thing everybody in this industry seems to be united about is to not remain united. When such is the mood, can this new committee to arrest piracy arrest any
producer's attention so seriously as to make some headway? Your guess is as good as ours.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 11:14 IST