42 Kms a movie inspired by the Mumbai & Delhi marathon will be releasing on January 23, 2009. The movie depicts the life of five different people Mandira Bedi a house wife,
Sammir Dattani a football player, Purab Kohli a village boy, Prashant Chainani a college bunker. But the most unusual story will be of Bikram Saluja a business
What makes Bikram's storyline so interesting is that the track is similar to an incident that reportedly happened to Mr. Anil Ambani.
In the film Bikram Saluja is
shown playing a business tycoon who has to face a challenge of getting fitter as his foreign investor would not invest in his company as they feel the person with whom they
are dealing with is not even capable of taking care of his health - which in turn could cause them losses.
Says Bikram Saluja "My storyline is similar to Anil
Ambani's. I wouldn't say its an exact copy but yes there is a similarity. I enjoyed this film as I have two different looks in the film."
In an earlier interview Mr. Anil Ambani had discussed on a TV channel how he was dealing with some foreign investors some years ago, when he was hugely overweight and
one of them had questioned him - How can we trust you with our money when you cannot even take care of your own health?
This had kickstarted Anil's quest to
lose weight and he had started running for miles every day to prepare for the Boston marathon.
Says the director of the film Nisha Chainani "all the characters in the film are inspired by someone or the other. I had myself run the marathon and that's what gave me the
idea of making a movie about it. I have tried to show some of my own experiences and that of people I knew."
Bikran Saluja character in the movie is inspired by Anil Ambani.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 11:43 IST