Recently Akshay Kumar said that if I can make it big without a godfather, so can anyone. It seems like Nikhil
has taken Akki's mantra seriously.
Ever since he made his modest debut in My Name is Anthony
Gonsalves, Nikhil Dwivedi has always been tagged as a confident actor.
Not let down by the failure of his first film My Name Is Anthony Gonsolves, Nikhil still was very positive about
his talent. No wonder he has won the coveted role of Lakshman in Mani Ratnam's film Raavana. Buzz is that
many actors were lobbying for the role which finally landed in Nikhil's lap.
But when it comes to Mani Ratnam, it's aptitude that matters more than anything else.
Word is that
Nikhil has already joined the team of Raavana in Orcha in Madhya Pradesh where they are shooting in
complete secrecy till the end of this month. Nikhil will be sharing screen space with the likes of Aishwarya
Rai, Abhishek Bachchan, Govinda and South star Vikram.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:50 IST