Sayali Bhagat made her debut in a non-happening movie like 'The Train' in 2007. Though she looked fairly good in the movie, it was not enough to make her an A-lister. Serial-Kisser Emraan Hashmi was doing what he was best at (read: fooling around and seducing woman) and it had another expressionless uninteresting actress, Geeta Basra.
Brushing up on her acting skills a little more would have been an amazing idea for Sayali! But Sayali didn't do that, and the Bollywood version of the Hollywood flop 'Derailed' almost derailed her career.
She tried to get noticed in an item song for Raj Kumar Santoshi's 'Halla Bol', but that too didn't work.
After that Sayali has been making more news for her love story with a Pakistani cricketer.
But now looks like the dame is keen on making a comeback.
She's seen as the cover-girl in the January issue of fashion and style magazine 'Hair' and she does look absolutely stunning there.
Obviously being a big name in the modeling world is not enough for her. She wants to be noticed by the B-Town crowd as well.
Let's hope she makes all the right moves this time around!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:29 IST