Though Aamir Khan's directorial debut "Taare Zameen Par" failed to make it to the Oscars last year, it has found admirers from across the spectrum. Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) prime ministerial candidate and one-time film critic L.K. Advani is the latest, praising the movie on his blog.
Writing on his blog, blog. lkadvani. in, he said: "Aamir's 'Taare Zameen Par' is a beautiful film whose story hinges around a nine-year old boy afflicted with dyslexia, an ailment that affects a child's brain resulting in his inability to see the difference between the shapes of letters.
The affliction causes what can colloquially be described as 'word blindness'. "
Advani, who was once film critic of the Organiser, further wrote that the script of film and Amir'sdirection were truly outstanding, so were Prasoon Joshi's lyrics and the music by Shankar, Ehsaan & Loy.
On current craze "Slumdog Millionaire", Advani did not make any remark, only mentioning that it has bagged various nominations abroad.
"Many in India are anxiously looking forward to (film's music composer A.R. ) Rahman as well as the film bagging several Oscars as well. Already, the film has earned as many as ten nominations, " he wrote.
However, some of those regularly reading Advani's blog disagreed with his "no comment" attitude to "Slumdog Millionaire".
"Mr. Advani, why didn't you touch upon the pseudo-secularist message being perpetrated in the name of international cinema? 'Slumdog Millionaire' is putting India on the world map for all the wrong reasons on the contrary, it is a pornography of poverty, which paints India as a country of slums and exploitation and class divide, " one visitor to the blog wrote.
Recently, Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan had relayed a comment from a visitor to his blog slamming the film.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 11:03 IST