Ghajini girl has been in news for since the time she has made her debut in Bollywood. After Ghajini she is looking forward to Vipul Shah's London Dreams. According to a recent buzz she is in books of Salman Khan who gifted a glass doll to her on Onam.
But Asin denies the report of being overfriendly with Salman. She informs that no exchange of gifts happened on the sets. When asked about her cordial friendship with Sallu. Asin reacts, "I don't know how to react to it because it's absolutely false. I have not got any gifts at all from Salman.
Speaking about return gift she said, "In fact I read that he gave me a gift on Onam and I gave a return gift on Eid which is absolutely false because we were shooting from early morning to late night. Thus there was no time to buy gifts or exchange gifts. "
Being a professional Asin knows that such things are part and parcel of her profession. "When that news came out the whole unit was laughing because everyone knows what the truth is. Everyone know how we are working on this project we all are professionals. " She signs off.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 11:12 IST