Yes, that's what Sonam said in her recent interviews when asked her about Deepika. Duo has been compared since the time they made their debut in Bollywood. First these two actresses debuted at same time through big banners. Later Deepika walked away with the Filmfare award for best female debut last year.
Last but not the least Ranbir Kapoor who was a close friend of Sonam is now committed to Deepika. Interestingly Deepika is two films ahead by Sonam. Isn't that enough for Kapoor girl to feel envy of Deepika!
But Sonam explained that she is not bothered about such things. In a recent interview she said that she was upset when she didn't win Award for Saawariya as it was important for her career. She also spoke about her rivalry with Deepika. She explained that her roles and films are extremely different from the film what Deepika has been doing.
Being choosy Sonam has been doing one film in a year whereas Deepika's on signing spree. Needless to say that it would be unfair to compare these two actresses.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 11:17 IST