Bollywood actress Raima Sen will be seen living out her fantasy as the lead in Madhureeta Anand's directorial debut "Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye", about a woman's quest for her dreams.
Releasing Friday, the film has been co-produced by PVR Pictures and Madhureeta's company Eka Films Pvt Ltd and stars Arbaaz Khan and Randeep Hooda along with Raima in the lead.
Before becoming a feature film director, Madhureeta made various award-winning documentaries for the BBC and the National Geographic channel and a digital short film on child abuse - "Walking On A Moonbeam".
Her "Mere Khwabon..." is being touted as a dramatic comedy.
The film has managed to hog the limelight for Randeep's portrayal of 18 different characters defined by Madhureeta as "a woman's fantasy" and he "appears before her in different forms".
"Randeep is basically the same person who appears in different forms on various occasions. He will be seen playing various characters including Elvis Presley, Zorro, James Bond or even Bollywood's legendary actors
like Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra, " Madhureeta has told.
"Besides, he will also be seen in various other ordinary characters like a music guru or a cop, " she added.
Rumours were rife that the film is based on Madhureeta's life, which she rubbished.
"Every first time director tends to bring his or her real life experience in the film. So my film is based on some of my real life experiences, but it is definitely not based on my life story, " she asserted.
"Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye" revolves around a homemaker Maya (Raima), married to a chauvinistic man Vikram (Arbaaz).
She aspired to be a singer but could not pursue her dreams because of a condition laid down by her spouse. Vikram keeps suppressing her self-esteem until she finds out that he has an extra-marital affair.
She is shattered and that's when her imaginary friend and dream man Jai (Randeep) comes along and becomes her medium to a new world. She receives a signing contract from a music label but is again brought to
the crossroads by an ultimatum given by Vikram.
Not many know that apart from the usual rehearsals before the scenes, the actors for the film also had to undergo music instrument lessons.
Raima took lessons on the harmonium and Randeep tested his skills in playing the flute to fit into their roles.
Considering that the last releases of both Raima and Randeep - "C-Kkompany" and "Ru-Ba-Ru" respectively - were box office duds, one can hope for the best for their "Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye".
Monday, February 02, 2009 12:04 IST