Bollywood's charming and adorable girl Preity Zinta celebrated her birthday yesterday. Since we are all aware that she has always been known to lend a helping hand to social matters this time around too she has a
list of priorities through which she will step forward and make changes in the country and city.
She will support a campaign called Light a Billion Lights where one can sponsor electricity to a whole village in
India. This electricity will be generated by using solar energy.
This campaign is the India's first 24 hour GREENATHON where one can sponsor electricity through solar energy. She also feels that we as
citizens of India should stop thinking about social matter and start implementing them in our own way rather than depending on others.
One major problem she feels that as citizens of Mumbai we need to
confront is the problem of illegal immigrants. She feels that the city is bursting to its seams and yet people keep pouring into the city. So to tackle this problem we need to get Citizen Identity cards.
She feels
that especially after Slumdog Millionaire Mumbai or rather India will be portrayed as a slum altogether. She also wants to sponsor education to under privileged children.
She's also very busy these days with
her IPL team and her KXI Punjab Cup which is currently on in Chandigarh and Mohali. She wishes for two gifts for herself for her birthday, "Firstly she wants to spend a little time with her close friends and also for her
Kings XI Punjab team to win the IPL Cup.
And especially as the IPL Cup has diamonds on them and diamonds are a girls best friend she is hoping for the best. These new talents would be given a place in the
KXI Punjab side which would make the team even stronger."
We wish Preity a warmest Happy Birthday, and wish that her dream to win the IPL comes true this Year. We also wish her that she has a great year ahead.
Monday, February 02, 2009 12:11 IST