Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty says she normally feels "calm and happy" when boyfriend Raj Kundra is by her side. But while announcing her association with the Rajasthan Royals she was a bundle of nerves because it was her first press conference with the "love of her life".
"While making the announcement, I was very nervous. Not so much because of the team, but it was for the first time I had been a part of a press conference with the love of my life by my side," Shilpa wrote on her blog.
"Raj is someone so special that I was nervous for him. I shouldn't have been nervous because when Raj is by my side, I just feel so calm and so happy," she added.
The actress, who with Kundra has bought a 12 percent stake in Rajasthan Royals Tuesday, says her boyfriend is used to waiting for her to be photographed at events.
"He is used to being the silent support waiting for me as soon as the last flash bulb has gone off, but this time I insisted he be by my side as this is a joint venture and it was his idea," posted Shilpa.
Besides working on her Chinese film "Desire", Shilpa is extremely excited about the new development in her life - Rajasthan Royals.
"I am so excited about this, I just have to scream every time I think about it. The Rajasthan Royals were a natural choice given they were the winners last time and have fantastic players with such unflinching passion for cricket," she said.
According to the 33-year-old actress, the IPL embodies more than just cricket.
"It represents a global team coming together for the love of the sport. Players from every corner of the globe come together irrespective of caste, creed and beliefs for the love of the game," she said.
Friday, February 06, 2009 11:00 IST