Kareena Kapoor is back to Mumbai after shooting for her part in Bangalore's IIM campus for Rajkumar Hirani's 3 Idiots. Our sources inform she had a ball shooting and enjoyed every moment there staying in the campus itself.
Our source reveals, "Kareena too like her co-star in the film, Aamir Khan decided to stay in the campus hostel of IIM Bangalore after she arrived there in early January.
Making the most out of her stay, she made it a point to mix around with the students, giving them tips on fitness as well as how to deal with stress
. She would often be seen interacting with few students about their management studies and the pressure they go through during examination time.
She used to share her own real life college hostel experiences during her school days and her experiences at Howard University. When someone asked her about her diet and how she keeps fit. Bebo talked about her fitness routine and how she jogs every morning."
After the Bangalore shoot ends, the film will be about 80% complete. The makers then intend to shoott the remaining portion in Mumbai. The film based on Chetan Bhagat's best seller Five Point Someone is set for a worldwide release on December 25th.
Saturday, February 07, 2009 13:27 IST