Suneil Shetty got injured while shooting for the Priyadarshan film De Dhana Dhan. A unit member who was present on the set informs that during an action scene in the water, something hit Suneil on the
Interestingly Suneil who was completely engrossed in his work did not pay attention to it when he stepped out. Later he felt an acute pain when he reached home.
The doctor told him it was an internal injury
of the muscles and he was asked to take rest for three weeks.
When asked Suneil says, "It was a major chest injury but one gets used to such things.
I am better now. The scene will be shot in two weeks, after I have recovered." Interestingly after Phir Hera Pheri Akshay
and Suniel will be seen once again in De Dhana Dhan which also stars Katrina Kaif in lead role.
Monday, February 09, 2009 13:09 IST