Move over Akshay Kumar, it is now actor Kay Kay Menon who has donned the mantle of the action hero. We heard while shooting for an action sequence in The Stoneman Murders Kay Kay insisted on doing his own
The scene involved Menon's character to jump onto a fast moving train and then to jump off the same train when it has gained more speed.
The Director had arranged for a stunt double to do the stunt but Kay
Kay Menon insisted on doing the stunt himself to give the scene more authenticity.
Manish Gupta the Director was skeptical about his lead actor attempting such a dangerous stunt. But Kay Kay Menon was adamant that he will do the stunt himself.
Finally the director relented and the shot
was set. The crew waited with baited breath as the train hurtled ahead at full speed.
As Kay Kay leaped off the moving train, the crew gasped but Kay Kay landed on the ground and rolled his way to
The scene was captured perfectly and the director was thrilled. Kay Kay received a standing ovation from the crew for his daring stunt. Now that's really brave of you Kay Kay.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:30 IST