Five days of shooting left and Leena Yadav's Teen Patti is on hold. Reason? The producer Ambika Hinduja gets married on to her restaurateur boyfriend Raman Macker.
And all other activities related to her life have been put on hold, much to the director's dismay.
Leena Yadav has one significant but small piece of casting yet to be done before her film is completed. It's a pivotal but small role requiring a Caucasian actor. But all that comes after the grand wedding in the Maldives
stretching itself into a good one month of celebrations.
Speaking on Leena's behalf her husband the talented Aseem Bajaj who's the cinematographer of Teen Patti says, "It's true Ambika is getting married after a fairytale romance. And we've all put aside the film for now
until the event. The wedding is on 15 Feb. But the celebrations go on way beyond."
A call would be taken on the casting of the white-skinned actor only after the producer returns from her honeymoon.
Until then the film remains incomplete by just five days with the director biting her nails in suspense as the new actor's dates would have to be synchronized with the Big B and Madhavan's dates.
Admits Aseem, "It's a bit tricky and complicated. Getting a white-skinned actor at this last stage of the film won't be easy. Websites aren't making it easier for us by telling the world that we've cast Pierce Brosnon in
the role. Where did he come in? We haven't started considering anyone yet. We will think of whom to cast only after Ambika returns from her honeymoon."
Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:41 IST