Sonam Kapoor's first movie 'Sawaariya' might be a dud, but she has got her share of fame. She has been on magazine covers, has been prominent on the social circuit and has also been seen with her dad at various
global events related to her dad Anil Kapoor's internationally acclaimed film 'Slumdog Millionaire'.
She also hit the big league when she was signed by Loreal; Paris in their 'Dream Team' and she joined the likes of Aishwarya Rai, Beyonce, Penelope Cruz and Eva Longoria.
It was earlier reported that Sonam was preferred over Ash because she was younger. But Ash reportedly later said that she was asked to endorse a fairness cream and that's why she opted out.
Sonam however has a totally different story to tell.
She's said, "Ash and I both are the ambassadors of Loreal, however some reporters created mischief, by saying I am promoting the fairness cream. Mine is a white perfect cream meant for skin pigmentation and
It's a deep pigmentation cream meant for Asian skin as girls in their twenties face a lot of hormonal problems in this age. Also Ash had not refused it as she was not offered this product in the first
Well, so the young actress wishes to clear the air and let the world know that she's in the good books of Ash and doesn't see her as competition. This sure is a true blue Bollywood dame who knows how to handle the
B-Town game right!
Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:49 IST