Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan said Friday he was worried for the safety of his wife and two children after his house Mannat was attacked by unknown people who had apparently misinterpreted the lyrics of a song in just-released "Billu" and reacted.
"I got scared. I got worried about my children and wife, but they are fine. I don't think there is any place safer than my home. I'm in London for a check up. I will be back home the day after tomorrow," Shah Rukh told a TV channel over phone from London.
Clarifying the confusion about the lyrics, the actor said: "They thought we are referring to the Prophet in the song. But it has been sorted out. They have seen the film and now its clear to them that the lyrics weren't referring to the Prophet."
A burning kerosene bottle had been thrown in the premises of his sea facing house Mannat early in the morning.
According to an officer of Bandra Police station, two men came to Shah Rukh's bungalow, at Bandra Bandstand around 2.30 a.m. They lit a bottle full of kerosene and flung it over the gates before fleeing. The security guards were caught unawares, the police said.
The police said a case was registered and they are searching for the culprits.
There was no damage to property as the flaming missile landed in the garden.
Friday, February 13, 2009 17:08 IST