Adnan Sami after weeks of despondency, finally saw a glimmer of hope and happiness. On Tuesday morning the Mumbai High Court dismissed Adnan's wife Sabah's plea that he and his parents be
evacuated from the home that Adnan shares with his wife.
Says the relieved Adnan, "It has been a traumatic time for me, with my father lying critically ill in the same house that my wife wanted me out of.
I was determined to have my parents stay in my house. Now
the honorable court has dismissed my wife's plea to have us out. The honorable Judge said that this case belongs to the courts dealing with family cases, not in the High Court.
If Sabah decides to appeal, I'm
ready to give her a long and grueling battle ahead. I'm a lawyer, remember?"
It remains to be seen whether Mrs. Sami chooses to carry her battle to take away her martially-inherited property.
Adnan is all set to give her a tough fight. "She wanted to take away my home and dog. If she had her way, she'd snatch away my father as well. When my frail father heard that the High Court had ruled in my favour, he
opened his eyes smiled and closed it again. That smile is all the vindication I needed."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:35 IST