Bollywood star Anil Kapoor is all geared up to attend the gala Oscar ceremony in Los Angeles Feb 22, but his actress daughter Sonam won't be able to accompany him as the release of her film "Delhi-6" will keep her
busy in India.
"I will attend my daughter's film premiere in Delhi tomorrow (Thursday) and from there I will take a flight to the US, " Anil told over phone from Mumbai.
"Sonam is not going to the Oscar event because she is busy with her film 'Delhi-6'. I will attend the event and after that will stay there for a couple of days, " he added.
Anil plays a quiz show host in the Oscar nominated "Slumdog Millionaire", which has been made by British filmmaker Danny Boyle. The rags-to-riches saga has got 10 Oscar nomination including best music and
songs for A.R. Rahman.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:46 IST