Inspired by Aamir's well toned up Ghajini, look Saif Ali Khan is all set to get the perfect body for his home production Agent Vinod to be directed by Imtiaz Ali. He has hired Aamir's personal trainer from Ghajini, Satyajit
Chaurasia, to assist him.
Sources inform that "Saif plans to shed five kilos for building a lean muscular body since he will be doing some hard core action scenes for the film. Hence he is undergoing a strict and exhausting five-month
training session to attain this particular look for the film.
But not many know that it was Saif who put on Aamir to train under Satyajit Chaurasia for the Ghajini look.
Aamir had earlier revealed "I
wanted to have this particular body so I called Saif after watching him in Race. I realized that he had become very muscular and he was looking good. It was he who introduced me to Satyajit."
But now it seems
Saif has been impressed with Aamir and his Ghajini look and hence decided to work out strenuously and who better than Satyajit could help him out.
One can spot Saif at the gym regularly training hard on his new look. Well, Saif, after impressing a lot of girls with his fit look in Race wonder what the audience can expect in Agent Vinod.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 11:59 IST