Sunday night as the Slumdog Millionaire team was celebrating their spectacular night at the Oscars, two people, who had an important role to play towards the success of the 'Jai Ho' song, were conspicuous by their
absence. Yes...we are talking about veteran lyricist Gulzar and playback singer Sukhwinder Singh (who has crooned the 'Jai Ho' song).
While Gulzar was officially nominated along with A.R.Rahman in the Best Original Song category for 'Jai Ho', Sukhwinder despite not being nominated was all set to perform live on stage along with Rahman at the
Kodak theatre.
However both were unable to attend the event due to some paperwork irregularities. Sukhwinder, who was all exited to be performing at the Oscars, had even submitted all his official documents to secure a official work
permit letter from the Oscar authorities but in the end he was left waiting as he didn't receive any intimation from the concerned authorities.
Gulzar too seems to have missed the event on account of not receiving any official intimation.
One must say that this silly goof-up on the part of the concerned authorities has resulted in a big loss for the duo as they missed being a part of a historic moment in the Indian entertainment industry.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:48 IST