Anil Kapoor's Slumdog Millionaire went on to bag the maximum awards at the Oscar 2009 Awards Nite but it didn't fetch him any personal Oscar. But he is not ruing the loss as he had already won it a few days back!
Well Anil Kapoor was awarded a Special Award at Pan Bahar Max Stardust Awards Nite for completing 30 years in the Hindi film industry and reacting to which a much surprised Anil, admitted this
was indeed his true Oscar.
Normally known to be shying away from the limelight, Anil has been for over three decades now has been consistently entertaining his audiences doing varied roles and never bogging down to failures.
overwhelmed Anil after receiving the Stardust Award could not hide his excitement and gave a wonderful speech to a thunderous applause by everyone present there.
Just before that Anil had put up a terrific
performance on the awards stage by dancing to almost all of his super hit numbers down the years.
Dancing energetically right from My Name Is Lakhan to the No Entry number down to the Welcome title
song, Anil's enthusiastic performance put even the younger actors to shame. One can catch this all at the MAX Stardust Awards 2009 show on MAX on Sat. 28th Feb. at 8 p. m.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:30 IST