Akshay Kumar has developed a penchant for staying in the news. Just a few days after shooting a song with Kareena Kapoor and RDB for Kambakht Ishq he's now plastered all over the press for his song with Kylie Minogue in Anthony D'
Souza's underwater thriller Blue.
The Australian siren landed in Mumbai early Thursday morning. One of her first appointments was for lunch at Akshay Kumar's residence.
Says a source, "Kylie and some of Akshay-Twinkle Khanna's close friends from the industry plus the Blue crew are invited for lunch by the actor on Thursday afternoon. This is supposed to be his way of making her comfortable in Mumbai.
If Hrithik and Sussanne Roshan went all out to make Barbara Mori comfortable in Mumbai why not Akshay and his wife?"
The menu was not just selected to complement the sexy Ms Minogue's palate, Akshay, apparently, had also decided to do some of the cooking himself for the khaas mehmaan.
As is the norm the producers Asthvinayak invited the entire army of television cameras to cover the ‘private' lunch at the
Kumars making you wonder how comfortable our foreigner guest would feel on her first outing in Mumbai with cameras recording every much and slup.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 13:59 IST