The shooting of Ram Gopal Verma's upcoming next, Agyaat, which is supposedly a remake of the 1987 sci-fi film Predator starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, has been put on hold because the film's lead actress
Priyanka Kothari (Nisha Kothari back to her original name) injured her left ankle.
"I broke my left leg just yesterday. I am in terrible pain as I tore a ligament while shooting for a scene for Agyaat which required me to jump from quite a height. The doctors now have advised me a month's rest.
So now
I'm heading for Delhi, which is my hometown." Priyanka told us.
"But I feel very bad for Ramu because we were on the last leg of our schedule in Cochin.
There were only four days to go in Cochin. Now they've got to wait for me to recover. But Ramuji was really supportive and so
was my co-star, Nitin, who is a Telugu superstar." she further added.
A major part of Agyaat has been shot in the Shigriya jungles in Sri Lanka.
Recalling her shooting experience there, Priyanka said, "Shooting there was a scary experience but it was great fun as well shooting in the
jungles. I saw several wild animals, even a leopard from up close."
Friday, February 27, 2009 10:15 IST