Before stepping into the filthy water for shooting Kunal Deshmukh's Tum Mile, the film's lead stars Soha Ali Khan and Emraan Hashmi had to be vaccinated to avoid infection. Presently the film is being shot in Mumbai's eastern suburb Bhandup and at an old dilapidated factory in Mulund.
Our unit source revealed, "Since the film is based on the infamous Mumbai floods of July 26th 2005, a lot of flood sequences are being presently shot but it's getting difficult not only for Emraan and Soha but also the crew as well to be stranded in the water for long times.
Soha and Emraan therefore took vaccines for all the possible diseases because the water we have used is filthy. Few days back on the sets of the film, Soha was heard complaining of body aches, especially after shooting for 12 hours."
Talking about Emraan our source further adds, "He is keeping getting injured on the sets. But while Soha's really afraid of the water Emraan's quite a soldier. While filming an underwater sequence, he injured his right eye.
And while filming another scene, he ran into a wooden plank and hurt himself. But half an hour later, he was back on his feet, ready to shoot. However, he later visited the doctor."
Presently sixty percent has been completed and Kunal (of Jannat fame) hopes to release it in the end of July. Tum Mile, is a love story that unfolds during the Mumbai floods and will have Emraan and Soha doing a lip lock as well.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 11:56 IST