The technology used in the filming of the Oscar winning flick Slumdog Millionaire would now be used in Kollywood for the first time. K.V. Anand is going to become the first person to use the camera.
Image', for his upcoming project. It is the latest High Defination Camera which has has two modes ‘Hard Disk' – that can store visuals upto 160GB of 4hrs Duration.
Also there's another mode where it can be
switched over to ‘Film' mode. The camera doesn't weigh much as it can be carried out merely with our hands.One can view the output instantly in the monitor.
Cinematographers' Association president B.N.
Sundaram, Secretary G. Siva and K.S. Selvaraj took a glimpse of this latest technology.
Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:08 IST