According to sources, the home video rights of Aamir Khan's super duper hit Ghajini have been bought by Reliance Entertainment's BIG Home Video for Rs 37.50 million that's Rs. 3.75 crores.
It is learnt that BIG Home Video is now looking at releasing the film's home video within the next fortnight at a big function where Aamir Khan will also be present along with the film's other cast members.
It was earlier speculated that the film's rights would be purchased for at least Rs 4.50 crores but they have been leveled down to Rs 37.5 crores which is a good 15 - 20 per cent lower than expected earlier.
Bollywood trade sources reveal, "The economic slowdown has impacted Ghajini's home video price. But the makers should be happy at the price they have got in this on going recession."
BIG Music and Home Entertainment, CEO, Mr. Kulmeet Makkar has commented in this regards, "Keeping in line with the success of the film, Ghajini's home video is going to be the biggest home video launch ever. We have huge plans for its home video release."
Saturday, March 07, 2009 11:34 IST