Despite his famous towel dropping scene in ‘Sawaariya' and news of his many link ups with the likes of Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Katrina and even older women like Nandita Mahthani, Ranbir Kapoor has had more of a homely boy's image, one who's totally devoted to his parents, especially mum Neetu and sister Riddhima.
But of late he's been displaying his naughty side more. There were talks about trouble in his and Deepika's haven and him getting closer to Sallu's girl Katrina.
Recently, he posed for the world famous magazine 'GQ' and also made had made some stunning revelations. The mag has been selling like hot cakes since then.
He struck a cool and hot pose and also made it hugely popular by disclosing some hidden facts about his life.
He confessed about doing some mischievous things during his teenage years.
He's said, "There was marijuana, there was alcohol and I also started smoking cigarettes".
Surprisingly he also revealed that around 15 years old, he lost his virginity.
Well, well, this one sure is a naughty boy who's been having the time of his life for years! Belonging to a super rich and famous family sure has huge benefits apart from an easy Bollwood career.
Saturday, March 07, 2009 11:37 IST