After Aaap ka Suroor and Karzz, Himesh is all set to be seen in another film called as Ishq Unplugged with TV actresses' Sonal Sehgal and Purbi Joshi.The shooting of the film has already started so to get more about
the film details we spoke to the two gorgeous actresses.
Purbi Joshi says, "I cant comment now as that isn't allowed to be spoken. Later on we tried to get news about the film with Aaashayein girl Sonal Sehgal and she too was mute to disclose anything, "I can't talk about it
as it's written in the contract which is quite annoying as the shooting is already started."
Ishq Unplugged was announced in October last year. It's a cute love story with good music. The film is directed by film debutant Swapna Waghmare Joshi.
Interestingly Swapna had directed Sonal for the Star
One's serial, Hotel Kingston. It was earlier reported that Mallika Sherawat had asked huge signing amount. This film is going to be Himesh's third love story.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:57 IST