Jackky Bhagnani's debut film "Kal Kissne Dekha" is set for a May 1 release but the young actor has begun work on a second venture, a romantic musical comedy on the lines of "Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Naa", to be again
produced by papa Vashu Bhagnani.
The film will introduce three boys and two girls - Indian - from across the world for the film. Jackky will, of course, head the cast while the leading lady opposite him is yet to be finalized.
The production house has launched a worldwide contest to select young actors for the project.
Confirms the man of the moment, Jackky Bhagnani, "Yes, we are launching our next film on a big scale. It will have all the ingredients of a young entertainer and will be on the lines of 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Naa'. I loved
the film for it's simplicity. Also, the very fact that each of the characters in the film was so identifiable and real is what makes me love it even more."
Considering the fact that "Jaane Tu.." was not just centred on Imraan Khan and Genelia D'Souza but a horde of other youngsters as well, how much of opportunity can the young actors expect in Jackky's film?
"At least the same if not more, " Jackky says promptly. "Each of these five youngsters will also be an important part of the film. The focus will definitely not just be on me. We are looking at a wide scale search for
these young newcomers."
Says a source from the production team, "Jackky has just started off as a lead hero and he wants to work in films that are young and energetic. Moreover, he wants to be looked as someone who belongs to the youth
and is one of them. He doesn't want to distance himself from his target audience, i.e. the youth, by being aloof and unapproachable."
Meanwhile, his Vivek 'Bhoothnath' Sharma directed debut film "Kal Kissne Dekha" is set for a May 1 release.
Confirms Jackky, "Yes, we are certainly coming on 1st May. The date has been locked and the promotion is beginning as well. We should have an audio release soon as well."
Vaishali Desai, the leading lady of "Kal Kissne Dekha", makes her debut with the film that also stars veteran actor Rishi Kapoor. The film too has a horde of youngsters like Akshay Kapoor, Bhairavi Goswami, Kunal
Kumar, Rachna Shah and Nushrat Bharucha.
Friday, March 13, 2009 11:21 IST