Cancer-stricken British reality star Jade Goody, who is breathing her last few days at her residence here, defied all odds to view the sunset and asked for cans of Coke Monday night.
"The doctors are amazed. Jade managed to see the sunset and was asking for cans of Coke. She's an incredibly strong woman, " quoted a friend as saying.
Goody not only propped up in bed to see the sky at night, she was equally eager to catch one last glimpse of sunny fields before she dies.
The tragic reality star, 27, braved it all to lift her head and enjoy the view from her dining room bay windows.
At one point, she even summoned her 21-year-old husband Jack Tweed and said: "Sit me up and let me look out over the fields."
According to the report, Goody managed a smile as she enjoyed the sunshine at her home in Upshire, Essex. But the moment was short-lived as she slipped into a deep slumber soon.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:29 IST