Sascha Sippy, the grandson of legendary producer G.P. Sippy and the nephew of Ramesh Sippy who had directed Sholay, has sent a public notice to the producers of Jai Veeru. Sascha has accused Shyam Bajaj, the producer of Jai Veeru of copyright infringement of his grand father's landmark film in Bollywood history.
We all know the character of Amitabh Bachchan in Sholay was called Jai while the name of Dharmendra's character in the film was Veeru.
Like Sholay, Jai Veeru is also a story about two friends but the similarity ends there.
But we feel, to even allege that Jai Veeru is a remake of the super-blockbuster called Sholay or has anything remotely do with outstanding film would be a cinematic sin, but Sascha Sippy has threatened to launch legal proceedings against the Bajaj family which has produced Jai Veeru.
Honestly, when will Sascha ever grow up and grow out of his grandfather, father (Vijay Sippy) and uncle's Sholay glory? There's surely more to life than living in reflected glory, that too, almost 35 years old glory.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:38 IST