Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty says she is glad she couldn't meet her "Celebrity Big Brother" housemate and cancer-stricken reality TV star Jade Goody - said to be hours away from death - in London as it would
have depressed her no end.
"Am happy in a way, I haven't got to see her (Jade), it would've depressed me no end. I always want to remember her smiling, the feisty, strong, gregarious Jade, a true Trooper!" Shilpa said on her blog.
"It's a helpless feeling, as long as she knows am here, which I don't think she's aware of, because she is unconscious, heavily drugged since the pain is excruciating, Max Clifford (Jade's publicist) told me."
Shilpa had rushed to London Sunday to meet Jade Goody, but was unable to see the ailing star whose condition is deteriorating rapidly due to cervical cancer.
"In the current scenario I totally understand what the family must be going through and I respect their privacy and hope she and her family is able to cope with this inexplicable pain. You are in my prayers, Jade. You
are destiny's child!, " she added.
Shilpa was at the receiving end of racial barbs by Jade during the 2007 "Celebrity Big Brother" but the two had made peace soon after.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:17 IST