Kareena Kapoor's size zero is an old story now. We chose three of our bollywood guys who were present at a popular suburban theatre and leave it in your hands to decide who amongst the three will claim the ‘the
leanest man will win' award (which is a special award been given by us; unfortunately its an imaginary one).
The first contender is Aamir Khan's nephew, Imran Khan, who has already made half of the girl's population his fan. Imran is seen wearing green checked shirt with a black and white tie paired with a blue faded jeans.
The upcoming and one of the most promising actors.
Next in line is Purab Kohli, who has been enjoying his share of limelight ever since Rock On became one of the biggest box-office hits of 2008. Purab is currently hosting SRK's Knight and Angels, which is a reality
show to bring up the spirit of cheer leaders in our country.
And finally, the third and the final in our list is the lean machine, Vijay Raj. An amazing actor and comedian Vijay's best performance has certainly been in the film ‘Run'.
He is no doubt a lean machine with an
outstanding stamina to show his comic skills.
So guys, decide who amongst the three is the best deserving man for our yet imaginary title ‘the leanest man will win'.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:21 IST