Musician-Singer turned actor Himesh Reshammiya and the director of his upcoming next Kajra Re, Pooja Bhatt are in a big dilemma.
They have been making their film for over a year now but still a significant
portion of the film's shooting of the film. Pakistani actress Monalaizza had been signed opposite Himesh for this film loosely based on Pooja Bhatt starrer Sadak.
But now since the shooting had been
postponed, the girl went back to Pakistan and started working on other Pakistani movies so that she could earn her bread and butter and she does not have the dates to shoot for the film.
The film had been
earlier put on hold following the economic slowdown and the threat of recession within the film industry as well.
But now Monalaizza seems to be really busy and there's no sign of her coming back to India and shoot. Himesh's turned his nose up and is refusing to call her.
Pooja Bhatt has been desperately trying to call
her, but to no avail. The film's producer Bhushan Kumar of T Series is waiting to know when the film will finally get completed.
Monday, March 23, 2009 12:24 IST