Its last issue focussed on the size zero girl Kareena Kapoor. This month, the fashion and lifestyle magazine Harper's Bazaar has got model turned actress Deepika Padukone gracing the cover, clad in a sexy black
strappy beach wear.
Sure to set pulses racing is the sultry beauty Deepika and with the advent of summer, the cover is all set with a deep tone of a sun set over glitteringly gold waters with the equally sizzling stunner in the foreground.
This month's mag is a special travel edition. It also has tips on how to escape the heat this summer while making a bee line for the beach front and still sizzling the way in some dazzling beach wear.
Making this issue
a must read are the fashion statements being made by the contemporary Boho designs.
Monday, March 30, 2009 12:03 IST