New age cinema's new poster boy Abhay Deol has a girl friend tucked away in New York but the actor is shying away
from revealing about it.
However he admits, "Yes I am in relationship. She is a painter and we have been going around for sometime but it is
too early to comment further about the status of our relationship as we are still getting to know each other."
It seems New York has become Abhay Deol's second home literally but Abhay has no plans to settle there.
He tells us, "I have got a small place for myself. But it's not a place I would be settling down. It's an interesting place
to have exchange of talents. I will keep going on and off to learn new things. I miss my family here so I can't be away
for too long."
Meanwhile Abhay has got himself a cozy place in Juhu away from his parents home. "Yes I wanted to be independent
and I stay near to them. I go home for lunch and dinner whenever I have the time.
Plus I didn't want to disturb
them with my friends and colleagues when I am at home. I just needed a space of my own. I cook here at times. I can
make good pasta and treat someone special when I want to" he adds on a jovial note.
Thursday, April 02, 2009 11:33 IST