Dayashankar Pandey who is now essaying the role of Shani dev in Mahima Shani Dev will now be seen in Prakash Jha's Rajneeti. Interestingly the actor would be playing the role of Ajay Devgan's father.
We spoke to Dayashankar Pandey about this film,
"Yes I play Ajay Devgan's father in Rajneeti which sounds very difficult to accept but everyone will be surprised by my new character. This film's subject is quite unique as it deals with Political parties of Northern India and how elections affects the rural India."
Further he told us, "It was really great pleasure to work with Prakashji and Ajay. I am sure that the film is going to be the talk of the town."
Its speculated that Katrina Kaif is essaying the role of Congress head Sonia Gandhi and the story revolve around Northern politics. The shooting of the film has taken place in Bhopal and other interior parts of Bihar and UP. Rajneeti is set to release in Jan, 2010.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 11:50 IST