Akshay Kumar's wife, Twinkle Khanna, was arrested by the Vakola police and released on a cash bail of Rs 950 late on Wednesday for allegedly obscene behaviour at the Lakme Fashion Show held at a Santa Cruz hotel a few days back.
Twinkle informed the police that Akshay, who is currently out of Mumbai, will present himself before the police on his return on Monday.
Assistant commissioner of police (Vakola division) Arvind Mahabdi said: ‘‘it was a bailable offence and we released her on a bail of Rs 950 at the police station itself. We are now waiting for Akshay.''
The case was filed by Anil Nair, claiming to be a social worker, who alleged that husband and wife had behaved in an obscene and vulgar manner and action should be initiated against them.
Police officers, however, said they might not pursue the case as it was very ‘‘weak in law''.
‘‘Akshay's trouser was supposed to be unbuttoned by some other woman on the ramp but Akshay went to wife Twinkle,'' an officer said.
Twinkle publicly unzipped Akshay's jeans, while he was walking the ramp for Tarun Tahiliani`s Levi`s show in Mumbai during, Lakme Fashion Week. The star, who is a brand ambassador for Levi`s since 2008, was reportedly promoting Levi's `Live Unbuttoned` campaign.
Friday, April 10, 2009 12:29 IST