Telugu director Raj K.S. Gopi says that Bollywood actress Preeti Jhangiani's sensuous item number in his directorial debut "Tejam" will boost her career in southern films.
"I'm doing a film with eight newcomers. Preeti is well-known in Telugu but so far she has done mostly offbeat, mellow roles. Now that she is doing an item number, her career will get a boost, " Gopi told.
Preeti, however, said she is playing a "vital role in "Tejam".
"My role is important to the story as is my dance number, " the actress was quoted as saying.
While Preeti's pictures in a skimpy outfit has created a wave in Hyderabad ahead of the movie's release, sources close to her said that the "Mohabbattein" girl was looking forward to the image makeover.
"After her marriage to Parvin Dabbas last year, Preeti's career was going nowhere. The item number will make people sit up and take notice, hopefully, " a source said.
Friday, April 17, 2009 11:10 IST