Actress Lakshmi Rai who made a name for herself with her performance in Dhaam Dhoom has shifted her base to Mumbai. Considering the increasing offers from Bollywood, the actress has now bought a house in the
suburbs of Mumbai, Malad.
The actress became popular in Bollywood after her link-up with cricketer Dhoni. Recently the two were again spotted together at a coffee house in Mumbai, where Dhoni had landed
to shoot a commercial.
Meanwhile Lakshmi Rai is all excited about couple of her forthcoming films ready to hit the theatres, Vaamanan and Naan Avanillai – 2.
It seems after actresses like Asin and
Shriya, now Lakshmi would be concentrating more on her acting career in Bollywood.
Saturday, April 18, 2009 15:59 IST