Saif Ali Khan just recently visited Aamir Khan on the sets of his film 3 Idiots in Mumbai. Sources claim, the Chote Nawab who has now turned a producer is trying to safeguard his interest but since Love Aaj Kal which
is scheduled for a June end release is his first production he doesn't want it to get affected by the dispute.
Sources further revealed, "Aamir was pleasantly surprised when Saif visited him as Kareena Kapoor who is also acting in the film wasn't shooting that day.
But Aamir then made time for Saif that afternoon
during lunch and talked to him about the current status on the issue and the stand they are likely to take in the future.
The meeting was said to be highly informative for Saif who left the venue a bit more
assured and in hope that things sort out before his film releases."
We hope so too.
Monday, April 20, 2009 12:54 IST