Bollywood actress Chitrangada Singh, who made her debut with the critically-acclaimed "Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi" in
2005, was conferred the Young Women Achiever Award-2009 here Monday.
"There's nothing like combining our passion with the profession that we choose. And that is exactly what I did. It's very
encouraging to receive this award, it will inspire me further to keep my passion burning, every morning and every night,
" Chitrangda said after she received the award.
Among other recipients for outstanding work in their respective fields were Siddhi Kumari (politics), Malini Ramani
(fashion), Pooja Irana (visual arts), Seema Chandra and Nidhi Razdan (media), Anjum Chopra (sports) and Leena Nair
The event was organised by Young FICCI Ladies Organisation (YFLO) in partnership with the Times Foundation at the
FICCI Auditorium here.
Six women were also felicitated for their work in community service - Rangu Souriya (community volunteering), Sheila
(involvement with self-help groups), Vijaya Rani (for her efforts in vocational training), Shaheena Khatoon and Sujata
Burla (skill development) and Kumari P. Tirupathamma (for raising awareness on chemical adulteration in
Shobhana Bhartia, chairperson and editorial director of the Hindustan Times, was the function's chief guest. She
emphasised that the forum was meant not just for women entrepreneurs but also for the empowerment of women.
Kiran Bedi, India's first woman police officer, was also present at the event.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:58 IST