Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur has criticised the British tabloid that conducted a sting on
"Slumdog Millionaire" child star Rubina Ali's father Rafiq Qureshi.
Kapur who directed a soft drinks advertisement with the nine-year-old and Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman recently in
Udaipur in Rajasthan has slammed the media organisation for the report and suggested that the "British tabloid needs
to be condemned for the sting operation".
"I just worked with Rubina, the little girl from 'Slumdog Millionaire' and what a joy she was to work with...I had been
reading about what was going on with her father's alleged attempts to 'sell' her.
I was aghast though at the
sting operation done by that British tabloid, which instead of being condemned worldwide is being heralded as a great
piece of journalism, " Kapur posted on his blog Tuesday.
"...What was the tabloid trying to do? Trying to push a father to name a price for his daughter's adoption?...How dare
they judge and manipulate other people and their moral predicaments from their comfortable colonial point of
I would rather have them arrested for obscene suggestions and offers than the father for coming to the
negotiating table, " he added.
The online edition of the tabloid had reported that in a bid to escape slum life, Qureshi put
Rubina up for adoption, demanding 200, 000 pounds from the organisation's undercover reporters posing as a wealthy
family from Dubai.
Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:01 IST