More than a decade back, Shekhar Suman became a household name with Dekh Bhai Dekh, a highly popular comedy TV serial. Directed by Anand Mahendroo, Dekh Bhai Dekh was immensely popular amongst all age groups and is remembered till date.
Well, for the current generation which missed out on the serial, there is some good news for them as DEKH BHAI DEKH is being revived - this time as a major Bollywood film.
What makes it further special is the fact that other than Shekhar Suman, the film will also stars Adhyayan Suman. Incidentally, this is for the first time that the father-son duo would be seen together on the screen.
Confirms a source close to the Sumans, "Although the trend of converting serials into movies has been prevalent in the West with serials such as 'Friends' and 'Sex and The City' being converted into motion pictures, this is the first Indian serial to be made into a movie.
The story for Dekh Bhai Dekh will continue from the point it left off in the serial with Adhyayan playing the grown up son of Shekhar Suman.
The film would be produced as well as directed by Anand Mahendroo himself, the man who gave the serial such credibility."
The movie is all set to be a romantic comedy with Adhyayan playing the role of an Army officer.
"His role requires a very lean and fit look and Adhyayan has been working hard at achieving a level of fitness for this role", adds the source, "He has got an intense workout schedule which includes power yoga, cardio and dance. In fact to understand more about Army, he recently went to Khadakvasla to meet Army jawans."
The film is touted to be a lavish affair with a budget that reads an astonishing 30 crores. Meanwhile, search for the female lead is about to be kick started with a talent hunt being planned on TV.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:02 IST